
Registration Policy

Your registration (be it regular or student) will allow you to attend all conference technical sessions, keynote sessions, the welcome reception, and meal functions. In addition to an electronic copy of the conference proceedings, it includes 1 welcome reception, 5 coffee breaks, 3 lunches, 2 formal dinners, and 1 half-day industry visit.

The early-bird registration due is October 31, 2019 (based on the postmark date or the bank transfer date).

Registration fee can be paid in GBP. Each paper must pay for registration fee. Author with multiple papers must pay for one registration fee and extra paper charge for each additional paper.

If you are paying student registration fee, please provide the front and the back sides of your valid student ID card and send it to [email protected]. one person must register at the regular rate if one of them is a regular member; the others can register at USD250 per person.

For a paper with multiple authors attending the conference, one person must register at the regular rate if one of them is a regular faculty member; the others can register at £200 per person for members or £280 for non-members. For a scenario, if a paper has 3 authors, one student and two academics, and all of them will attend the conference, the registration fee shall be one full academic registration fee+one student registration fee+one additional paper fee. For early bird member registration, it will be £400+£200+£200=£800 and £550+£280+£280=£1110 for early bird non-member registration fee.

ICEB Proceedings Book is indexed by EI and Scopus and also available at AIS eLibrary. To maintain this status, each paper must pay the publication fee of £125 GBP/$150 USD to be included in the proceedings book. This fee is to support the editorial office for the communication and production effort.

Participants without any papers may register as guests at £200 per person and enjoy all the event functions.

Registration Fees

Both ICEB and AIS members are qualified for Member Registration rate which is 30% discount of Non-member Registration rate. Please provide proof of your membership. Non-member author is encouraged to become a member to take advantage of the discount.

To become an ICEB member, please click here.

To become an AIS member, please click here.

Paid On or Before Oct. 20
(Early-bird price)

Paid After Oct. 31
(Regular price)

Paid After Nov. 15
(With £50 late fee)


Member Registration Fee

£400/$500 each person

£ 430/$520 each person

£480/$600 each person


Member Registration Fee (Student)

£200/$250 each person

£250/$300 each person

£300/$360 each person


Non-member Registration Fee

£550/$660 each person

£600/$750 each person

£650/$800 each person


Non-member Registration Fee (Student)

£280/$350 each person

£330/$400 each person

£380/$450 each person


Publication Fee

Each paper must pay the publication fee of £125/$150 to be included in the proceedings book.


Additional Paper Charge

£280/$350 for each additional title of full paper, WIP paper, or abstract

Notes: Registration Fee allows the author to publish one title on the proceedings. It also includes the membership dues of £15 per regular registrant and £ 8 per student and will be transferred to ICEB Headquarter according to conference constitution. Additional paper charge will be transferred to ICEB editorial office.

Registration Form

To register for the conference, please click the Registration Link here. To enjoy the ICEB/AIS member registration discount, please provide either your ICEB2018 paper ID or your AIS membership ID for approve, approve shall be approval. Student registration needs to provide both the front and back of their student ID and send it to [email protected] for verification. If you need the invitation letter for applying visa or funding, please download and fill out the Invitation Letter file and send it back to Dr Honglei Li [email protected] with complete information.

Taiwan Scholars can choose to register through this registration form to pay TWD via the local ATM. The form can be downloaded here.